Good retail footfall marketing has always begun outside shops, but since the pandemic, this has become more important than ever before.

Before the pandemic, a large proportion of retail footfall marketing spend was on things like signage, merchandising tables, recycled flooring and in-store digital flourishes. Many customers want to minimise the time they spend inside shops while Covid-19 is at large so, where possible, the battle to boost sales should start outside.

Invest in grabbing the attention of high-street shoppers, otherwise you’ll miss out on impulse sales. The overall appearance of your shop, inside and out, needs to overcome consumers’ hesitation to enter. In a pandemic, this means maintaining a clean shop inside and out.

Retail marketing outside your shop to boost sales

Make sure your window grabs the attention of high-street shoppers, otherwise you’ll miss potential impulse sales. The overall appearance of your shop, inside and out, needs to overcome consumers’ hesitation to enter. You have less than seven seconds to make a first impression to potential new customers passing your shop window display design.

Boost sales by improving your shop window designs

Retail buildings are workhorses and often look tired. Even if your shop is pristine inside, most passers-by will judge it from outside and form a crucial first impression within seven seconds. Does your shop look clean from the outside?

Your retail footfall marketing efforts will be compromised by dirty, chipped and scratched paint on your doors or windows, graffiti, broken lights, dirty windows, torn awnings and rubbish on the pavement. The area around your shop should be as clean as the inside of your shop.

Which store would you be more tempted to enter at first glance?

Store front comparison

Use every inch of your outdoor space to sell and reassure. If you’re fortunate enough to be permitted to put a retail display outside to boost sales, do it! Too many shop owners think that their retail displays are restricted to windows and internal shelves. In reality, your entire shop frontage is your retail window display, and the more 3D you can make it, the better.

3D shop front marketing increases footfall because it can be seen by consumers from a much wider angle – and therefore from much further away. This is particularly important if your shop is on a side road off a high street. Sandwich boards, brightly coloured planters and anything with lights attached or that moves in the wind will attract attention and will frame your shop window design.

At present many people are more comfortable outside, so if you create an outdoor retail sales display for them to browse, this is likely to go down well and your footfall will increase. If you don’t generally stock products suited to displaying outside, have a look for something that could sit in a basket or as a large standalone display – consider it an investment in your footfall marketing. Where possible, rotate the stock that appears in the outdoor retail display to further boost sales. Prioritise head-turning products over price-cut offers.

Your shop window display is vital, and window dressing is a skill in its own right. Read our blog about shop window design hacks and advice to help increase footfall in your shop.

How can retail footfall marketing help make customers feel safe?

Since the pandemic began, health and safety has become a selling point in shops. Today’s footfall marketing includes promoting your Covid-19 measures so they can be seen from outside your shop. This is a substantial topic in itself, which we cover in our blog, Retail Footfall Marketing During the Pandemic.

Do you need more retail marketing hints and tips?

Reward-It is launching a marketing service to its loyalty scheme, gift card and price sign customers. If you would like to sign up or learn more, contact us today.