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Environmental Policies

Supporters of the Better Business Act

The Better Business Act was created to amend section 172 of The Companies Act. This section currently states that all directors of business, big or small, are allowed to be in control of their economical footprint, meaning deals made for the business that potentially have a bad impact on the environment were authorised to happen.

With this act in place, the state of the planet is only going to get worse, which is why as a company, we’re proud supporters of the Better Business Act.

The Better Business Act aims to ensure directors are responsible for their economical footprint, and any deals that could have a negative effect on the planet are halted. More than 1,500+ businesses support this act, and it is continuing to grow daily.

As a company, Reward-It prides itself on trying to be as sustainable as possible and offsetting any unavoidable waste. We have installed solar panels across the roof of our office that power and generate all the electricity needed to power all computers, systems, lights and equipment we need day-to-day.

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